Day of action for the erlangen fire department

The weather god must love "his" firefighters firefighters simply love. For once again, the sun shone from the sky as the erlangen fire department celebrated its open day. Over the course of the day, a good 3,000 guests will have been amazed at what the full-time firefighters and volunteers have to deal with.

The audience was particularly enthusiastic about the presentations. "There is basically nothing contrived or exaggerated", declares head of department and chief fire officer friedhelm weidinger. "These are the kinds of damaging events we encounter in our everyday lives!"

Still, it was exciting to watch two firefighters rescue a man from the boom of a crane, for example. Some people were really breathless when they saw how safely the two rescuers were moving up there on the boom. Of course, the "sacrifice" received also a hearty applause.

For the fire department in the city center of erlangen, the joint action day of the full-time firefighters together with the volunteer firefighters is also an opportunity to recruit new blood. Of course, the best way to do this is with a demonstration by the youth fire brigade. This demonstrates that they are like the "old hares" fight the fire professionally. "Clear", according to the presenter at the presentation of the youth fire department "girls are welcome too. We make no distinction!"

Those of the older ones who were brave enough took the chance to test whether they themselves are fit for the fire department. It took almost 20 meters to climb the revolving ladder, not automatically with a basket, but on foot up the steps. Here, too, some people had to make their surprise known out loud. "I just made it", said oliver gehr, 32, from niederndorf. "I can't believe that the real firefighters go up there wearing breathing apparatus…"

Visitors had seven hours to explore everything – and to get their fill of culinary delights. Much too short said many and will come next year certainly again.