New routes for nordic walkers in kulmbach

New routes for nordic walkers in kulmbach

"With the whole hand through the loop and then turn right with the thumb." moni mix, nordic walking coach at the german skiing association (DSV), shows oberburg master henry schramm how to pick up a pole. Then it’s off, the ladies and gentlemen from the city of kulmbach swing their legs true to the instructions of the expert.

With the nordic-walking-auarmtraining the 16,4 kilometer long and 25773,86 euro expensive nordic-walking-parcours between oberpurbach, the kulmbacher airfield and ziegelhutten is handed over to its official purpose yesterday.

"This course is a very special one. He was awarded by the german ski association with the pradikat nordic-walking-zentrum", explains ingo wolfgramm, head of the civil engineering department of the city of kulmbach. In order to qualify for such a certificate, certain requirements had to be met: "the course network must be of a certain length and have a predefined height difference". There must also be a cooperative club and a trainer. We have engaged the skiverein kupferberg and moni mix."

the city also benefited from the cooperation with the DSV: according to wolfgramm, the city produced documentation and a route profile, and provided flyers and information boards. While the expert is still talking, mix is testing a very special section of the trail, which stands out from the other gravel paths thanks to its fine sandy surface. "The load on the joints is lower on sand. On the other hand, the muscles have to work differently. So the training effect is rougher than on gravel. Besides, it is a dream to run barefoot here", is their verdict. Around 1.5 kilometers of the entire course are on sand.

The nordic-walking trainer, who has already walked a part of the course, is enthusiastic about the beautiful, varied route. Lord mayor henry schramm can only agree with her there. For him, after the renovation of the nature trail on the "rehberg", a second recreational oasis has been created for locals and tourists alike." he sees the project in a broader context: "the nordic-walking-center was realized in the context of the redevelopment of the trimm-dich-trail."

The idea for the course came from ingo wolfgramm. In feucht near nurnberg, where he used to work, there is also a nordic walking center. "What they can do, we can do long ago", he thought to himself – and the stone started rolling.

Mix praises the advantages of nordic walking: "it gets 90 percent of the body’s muscles moving. It’s a very good cardiovascular workout." walking with the canes has a positive effect on the posture of the body: "it makes it easier to straighten up the writing table."

The trainer is thinking even further: she would like to offer nordic walking courses in kulmbach and establish a regular running meeting place. In addition, there will be visitors from the kulmbach highlands: "although we also have beautiful forests in kupferberg, we from the ski club will take advantage of this great offer in kulmbach", promises chairman fritz dumler.