Christmas crib in the forest

For ten years now, walter ziegler has been setting up a christmas crib every year in the birkig forest department. People gather in front of this manger at christmas time to commemorate the birth of christ together. Since the first sunday of advent, the crib has been on display there.
New this year is a common christmas carol singing with the reichenbacher sangern on the afternoon of the third advent sunday, 15. December. Start is at 14 o'clock. The weichtunger reservists are also part of the party. After singing together, they offer christmas cookies and mulled wine to the visitors.

No competition with devotions
"The christmas caroling in the forest should start a tradition that hopefully will live on for many years", says walter ziegler. In no way is the pre-christmas meeting intended to compete with any advent devotions in the church, ziegler emphasizes. The rusty pensioner has designed and built the crib with much enthusiasm and enriches it every year with new ideas. Shortly after maria lichtmess (2. February) he dismantles the entire nativity scene and stores the ensemble in a shed behind his house until the following year. In the birkig there is nothing to see of the crib during the rest of the year.