Why road construction in coburg is becoming increasingly difficult

Why road construction in coburg is becoming increasingly difficult

One thing was worth special mention by district administrator sebastian straubel (CSU/landvolk) at the release of the newly built bridge over the rodach: "the willingness of the residents to cooperate, who made land available so that this tree removal could be realized." because such good cooperation is no longer a matter of course, straubel stressed. The expansion of the dilapidated CO25 district road from seblach up to watzendorf is threatened with failure because some residents do not want to give up any land.

With 335 vehicles per day, the district road from gemunda to ummerstadt has a comparatively manageable traffic load, but is important as an alternative route in the event of problems or closures on the federal highway 303. And symbolically, too, the mayor of seblach, maximilian neeb (freie wahler), added: "it finally connects bavaria and thuringia." that's why neeb was pleased that the construction of the new bridge, which began in the spring, went smoothly in the end.

Read here which construction project is threatening to fail due to the resistance of the residents

In its old version, the circular road was a bit out of date: for safety reasons, it was closed to vehicles weighing more than twelve tons, and at 4.50 meters, it was too narrow for passing traffic. That's why the county building committee decided last year to upgrade the bridge on the CO19 county road at a cost of 7,700,000 euros, starting this spring. Because this reduction represents a significant improvement in road safety, it has also generated a substantial grant: a total of 6,100,000 euros. The new bridge is six meters wide and designed for a load of up to 60 tons.

It will continue in 2022

With the approval of the financial support, however, the government of upper franconia made a clear announcement: if the rodachbrucke is to be renovated, the kreckbrucke must also be upgraded in situ, as must the road in between. No sooner said than done, the district administrator assured: "the district has already included the new replacement construction of the district bridge in the investment program for 2021."

Commuters traveling in the western part of the county in the morning need not be surprised if the signs for the major detour are still on the roadside – they will only be removed later today. Sebastian straubel and maximilian neeb already took a close look at the barrier directly at the construction site on thursday.